Firstly, a very warm welcome to the school.
Whitley & Eggborough Community Primary School’s Parent Teacher
The PTA’s Mission Statement
Our objectives: -
- Develop and maintain effective relationships between the staff, parents and other
organisations associated with school; Organise events and activities to raise essential funds which then helps to provide equipment and projects for your children;- To enhance the social and educational aspects of the whole school;
- Hold & run events for the enjoyment of the children, their families, and the wider community;
Why Do We Have A PTA?
We are very fortunate at our school to have a PTA which is, and has been such an integral part of the school community for many years. In its time, the PTA have raised thousands of pounds which has been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities within the school.
However, it’s more than just fundraising, the PTA exists to provide closer links between school and home life, it is an excellent way to bring staff,
It is fun too - just ask any of the PTA committee members or helpers!
All parents and members of the school community can get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time to spare.
Why Are We A Registered Charity?
It is a legal requirement that
Our constitution sets out rules about how we operate as a PTA and how we conduct ourselves.
Being a Registered Charity gives us many extra benefits. We are able to apply for ‘Gift Aid’, which can earn us an extra 28.2p in every pound donated to the PTA out of earned income.
We can raise funds more easily from grant giving trusts and local businesses etc., and can also take advantage of ‘charity matched’ giving schemes.
PTA’s Community Links
We have, over time, developed strong links within the local community and are always well supported by both residents and businesses, for which we are very grateful. Many of our local shops are very generous with their donations of raffle prizes etc., again, something with which we are very grateful for.
Role of our Committee
Our PTA committee consists of Officers (Chair,
All parents are invited to join ordinary PTA meetings and express their views, or if you wish you can get involved in future events and activities.
How We Raise Money
Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the regular events we run. Our events include the Christmas Fayre, Summer Fayre and several discos through the year with other adhoc events that take place too.
The icing on the cake is seeing adults and children having fun at our events or enjoying a piece of new equipment which the PTA has donated.
Seeing our children benefit from the work we do is very satisfying.
How We Spend the Money We Raise
It is at our PTA Committee Meetings that the decisions on how to spend the money are agreed. Usually, the teachers will have a ‘shopping list’ of items the school would like to purchase. Sometimes this will be as a result of suggestion the children have made through the school council.
PTA funds are for the ‘extras’ not provided by the school budget, these extras make our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.
We endeavor to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all children across all areas of the school. In the past few years, we have purchased a variety of items for the school, the most recent of which was 14 new laptop computers. We have also provided coaches for the whole school to attend the pantomime and pay for children in Year 6 to have a leavers hoodie.
How We Get Information to You
Our PTA Newsletter is sent out regularly by e-mail and followed up with text messages closer to the time of an event.
The newsletters include information on forthcoming events with dates and often requests for assistance. We also send updates to let you know how much was raised, and if we can, we tell you what the money will be used for. We also have a FaceBook group which, as a parent/carer, you are welcome to join.
We are always open to suggestions on how best to inform you of events and news.
How Can You Get Involved?
There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the PTA. Offering to help before events or at other times during the year is so valuable – it really is a case of ‘many hands make light work’.
It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can’t come into school. There are always little jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare, such as wrapping gifts or preparing raffle tickets.
We couldn’t achieve our success without the unseen ‘army of help’ that exists in the school. You can, of course, if you feel able, volunteer to be a Committee Member. Or you can simply support us by coming along to the Annual General Meeting and give us your ideas for future fundraising events – this is also the time to ask questions or voice your opinion.
You can help by letting us know if you have any contacts or skills we could use – everything is potentially valuable to us.
Finally, we are always extremely grateful to receive donations as mentioned before.
We hope you now know a little more about your Parent Teacher Association, but f you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
On behalf of all the children, we would like to thank you for your very valuable support which enriches their learning experiences and makes their time in school so enjoyable.
Current Committee members:
Chair: |
Emma Piggott |
Vice-Chair: |
Zoe Patchett |
Treasurer: |
Claire Pedley |
Secretary: |
Gemma Brown |
Committee Members: |
Emma Hodges |
Sally Mook |
Kathryn Kirkham |
Additional Members: |
Lynette Haigh |
Charlotte Karpow |
Kasha Hutton |
Emma Maguire |
Emma Ludwell |