PSHE - Jigsaw
Jigsaw PSHE is a comprehensive and completely original Scheme of Work for the whole Primary School from EYFS through to Year 6. It brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning.
SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development opportunities are mapped throughout. All of these pieces of learning are brought together to form a cohesive picture, helping children to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in the world.
As from September 2019 we are also following the new statutory curriculum entitlement framework for PSHE & Citizenship. This also incorporates the Dfe relationship & sex education & health education outcomes.
Becoming an Active Citizen
Autumn 1 - Being me in my World
This half terms puzzle is 'Being Me in My World'. The children will be thinking about what it is like to feel calm and special. They will all develop a class charter to help each other create the best environment for learning. The children will also develop their understanding of rewards and consequences.
Autumn 2 - Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
In this theme the children will be thinking about how unique we all are and what is similar and different about everyone. This will incorporate anti-bullying, feelings and conflict solutions.
Me and My Future
Spring 1 - Dreams & Goals
This puzzle piece looks at facing challenges and identifying dreams & goals and how to achieve them. It also picks up on obstacles that may be encountered and how to overcome them.
Spring 2 - Healthy Me
This unit is focused around healthy living, from exercise and healthy eating to medicine and drug use (KS2). The children will also look at keeping safe.
Keeping Myself Safe
Summer 1 - Relationships
This half term the children will look at relationships within families and friendship & conflict. We will approach being safe again in this unit, and also look at being a global citizen, talking about the role of the UN (KS2)
Summer 2 - Changing me
This unit covers growing up and our changing bodies please see the extra guidance and our RSE policy.
PSHE Coverage